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After Doctor Strange 2, Elizabeth Olsen’s Thoughts On Scarlet Witch’s Future

Scarlet Witch is with no doubt one of the most interesting characters of the MCU, as recently shown in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. Olsen discusses what else she intends to do with Wanda in an interview.

Wanda Maximoff aka Scarlet Witch is one of the rare Marvel characters who has gone through such a difficult transformation. She was first presented as a villain but she later joined the Avengers and transformed into one of MCU’s most formidable superheroes. The battle with Thanos, on the other hand, left an indelible impact.

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Disney+ series WandaVision, an unhappy and damaged Wanda transforms into an enslaver of a small town. She’s taken it a step further in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, with unknown consequences for the character’s future. We spoke with Elizabeth Olsen about her complicated and tough character, Wanda, and learned that even she isn’t sure where Wanda’s journey will take her next.

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Wanda and Scarlet Witch still have “a lot of potential,” according to the star of Doctor Strange 2.

Did you ever imagine Wanda would become such a crucial and central part of the MCU when you initially played her?

Elizabeth Olsen: No, I was completely unaware! At the time, the contract I signed covered two films and a cameo role. My third contract is finally complete. So I never really knew where this was going to lead. I have no idea what will happen to Wanda after Doctor Strange 2 but the journey has been a lot of fun so far. They use the characters to create fascinating stories and I’m thrilled to be a part of it.

Where do you want to see her in the future? Do you believe she’ll ever find happiness?

Fans always have the most interesting ideas, in my opinion. Personally, I’d like to see her as an older woman, 60 years old with grey hair. There is a lot of potential, in my opinion. Not that I expect to be playing the role for that long, but I wouldn’t say no!

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Do you prefer Wanda as a Heroine or a Villain?

She’s neither one nor the other, in my opinion. She’s always been a free spirit and an independent thinker and doesn’t fit that those categories. That’s another thing I admire about her. I believe it is good for her to believe she has a purpose. I admire her for doing things that other people disagree with. Making decisions that others don’t agree with is liberating.

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Elizabeth Olsen isn’t interested in being a Marvel quota woman.

Is there a particular aspect of her with which you identify?

This kind of autonomy and independence is what binds me to her. She defies convention in a number of ways. You are either on one side or the other nowadays. And neither side appeals to me. I want a variety of possibilities since it makes things more intricate and nuanced. That makes me feel connected to her character, and I attempt to convey that to you through my acting.

Do you believe it’s crucial that female characters in comic book adaptations are complex and difficult?

Yes! Women are intelligent and fascinating beings. Because they are women, they have a lot of power. “We need more women here, a female character has to come in here!”. But I believe you must do it right. You must develop real, interesting characters who add to the story. And I believe Wanda is deserving of a lot of screen time.

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