Recently, Akio Iyoku, one of the producers of Dragon Ball Super: Superhero movie revealed in an interview with V-Jump (a famous anime magazine) that a new project for Dragon Ball is already being developed. Despite not revealing details about the story that will be told, Iyoku said that the producers are aware of the great responsibility…
Dragon Ball Super Manga Chapter 85
Dragon Ball Super is shortly coming upon the next crucial step of the Granolah the Survivor arc and the manga has published the first look at Chapter 85 of the series! The Granola the Survivor arc will be reaching an edge this year. Therefore the following chapter is all the…
Is The Entire Dragon Ball Super Series A Retcon?
The question has yet to be answered… The Dragon Ball Super manga resumed the continuation of Goku, Vegeta, and the Z fighters’ adventures with the Granola arc, a backstory dealing with the legacy of the two Saiyans’ past, after a flawed but quite believable Moro storyline. Past events include what…
Dragon Ball Z: Why Trunks And Goten Never Had Tails
Many have noticed the absence of a monkey tail as a distinguishing feature of the two Saiyans since their introduction into the Dragon Ball Z story (chapter 337 for Trunks and chapter 424 for Goten). There are several theories on this by the fans of the popular anime franchise. A…
Dragon Ball Super: Theory On The Super Saiyan Transformation
Fans of the Dragon Ball universe have long been puzzled by the riddles behind the Saiyans’ Monkey Tail, as well as their biology in general. However, the last chapter of the Dragon Ball Super series may finally bring some answers to this topic we’ve been wondering about. The most recent…
Vegeta Is Still The Eternal Loser In Dragon Ball
Vegeta has lost practically every major fight in Dragon Ball for almost 30 years, whether in the anime or manga. Chapter 75 of Dragon Ball Super had the potential to change things but instead previewed Son Goku’s next huge victory. In Dragon Ball Super, what happens to Vegeta? Vegeta’s situation…
The 10 Most Authentic Dragon Ball Cosplays
Cosplays are never easy when done accurately. These Dragon Ball cosplays went above and beyond to ensure that they looked as authentic as possible. The following are ten franchise fans who went above and beyond. Have you ever wondered what your favorite characters might look like if they were able…
Goku Can Be Easily Defeated By Five Cartoon Characters
A lot of anime fans consider Goku to be the strongest Anime Main Character, which is debatable but today’s topic is to introduce you to 5 western cartoon characters that can easily beat Goku.Let’s dig in. #5 BUGS BUNNY Now you might be thinking, what can this Looney Tunes character…